
MBC Front Runner LINKS Foundation Italy


LINKS Foundation  (Leading Innovation & Knowledge for Society) is a not for-profit Institution based in Torino (Italy) operating at a national and international level carrying out applied research in the sectors of engineering and architecture. The foundation focuses on both information and telecommunication as well as territorial and environmental sciences. LINKS Foundation currently includes 160 researchers from all around the world.

The “Logistics and Transport” Research Area deals with transport planning, transport modelling and sustainable mobility. It carries out studies and research projects aimed at improving people mobility and freight transport and supports public and private bodies in the decision making process related to the transport planning and governance. “Logistics and Transport” team has built an extensive expertise on the Rhine-Alpine Corridor, developed during several European Projects, such as CODE24 (Corridor Development Rotterdam-Genoa), ERFLS (European Rail Freight Line Service) and RAISE-IT (Rhine-Alpine Integrated and Seamless Travel Chain).

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