
MBC Front Runner Piedmont Region Italy


Regions, in Italy, are autonomous and territorial bodies, endowed with their own statute and exercise powers and functions according to the principles established by the Italian Constitution.
Piedmont is the second largest region in Italy and is located in the north-western part of the country: in the field of transport and infrastructure, pursues the improvement of accessibility as a prerequisite for socio-economic development of the territory and improvement of the quality of life of its citizens. and develops activities in different sectors to reach standards, infrastructural endowments and service quality, at the level of the most competitive European systems.
The most important transport planning tool is the Regional for Mobility and Transport Plan: it is a Strategic Plan that implements the indications of the Transport White Paper and of the european environmental Directives. So that, it aims to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollution, to ban the use of fossil fuels in urban areas, to favour public transport and sharing mobility, to move freight from road to rail.

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